By Lux, on December 9th, 2024 Asterisk, Generic
The FreePBX packages used on the current version of Casa (and on some of my Linux servers) are now on v17. This supports PHP 8.2 which ships in RHEL9 and its clones. They are available in the Lux repository for Almalinux 9. These packages are one of the central components that characterize Casa.
Please → Read More: New FreePBX 17 packages
By Lux, on October 23rd, 2022 Asterisk, Linux
The Asterisk and FreePBX packages used on the current version of Casa (and on some of my Linux servers) have undergone a major upgrade. They are available in the Lux repository for CentOS 8 (Almalinux 9 is coming soon). These packages are one of the central components that characterize Casa.
Please note → Read More: New Asterisk and FreePBX packages
By Lux, on October 21st, 2022 Linux
Today I’m trying to switch a server system (dns, mail, web and other fairly generic services) from CentOS 8 Stream to Alma 9 doing an in-place upgrade. The goal of this activity is not making an upgrade while maintaining business continuity (although if you are in a virtual environment and/or can clone your server, the → Read More: In-place upgrade from CentOS 8 Stream to Almalinux 9
By Lux, on February 17th, 2021 Linux
I had to upgrade some old CentOS 6 servers with even older SaMBa NT4 DC on it. I went to CentOS 8. Since AD DC functionality is not included in the C8 rpms, I recompiled the SaMBa rpm packages from Rawhide. All went smooth. I did the upgrade and after some trial/error/google cases (it → Read More: Frank 8: SaMBa rpm packages with AD DC support
By Lux, on September 18th, 2020 Linux
The blog you are reading is (was, until yesterday) based on the popular Wordpress CMS. The theme is Atahualpa. Given my inexpertise in the field, I don’t even know why I chose it about ten years ago. But over time I realized that for me it is a gem. Unfortunately for some years now, → Read More: Atahualpa lives!
By Lux, on September 17th, 2020 Linux
Read about Casa, my little appliance for my house. Reimplemented for the occasion in CentOS8.
The Casa page
By Lux, on September 17th, 2020 Linux
As part of the new implementation of Casa, I needed RP-PPPoE for CentOS 8. As it is no longer, or still, available in Epel, I recompiled the RPM. You can find it in my Lux repo, along with my version of PPP with the network-scripts-ppp package re-enabled. Nice for people like me who → Read More: RP-PPPoE on CentOS 8
By Lux, on February 22nd, 2018 Generic, Linux
Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
By Lux, on March 7th, 2017 Linux
Today I had to reset a Dell R520 which I dedicated to a new web service. The server was previously allocated to a different customer, so I wanted to wipe previous data, configurations and logs from it.
The only non-trivial part was to erase the Lifecycle Controller logs which in theory are meant to be → Read More: SSL connect error in wsman
By Lux, on October 31st, 2015 Linux, Windows
I had to connect a Windows 2012 machine machine behind NAT to a CentOS 7 ipsec gateway with libreswan. No l2tp, just plain IPSec. The windows machine itself was not a gateway, it was connected “alone”. So in my case there was no need for using RRAS. I found it difficult to find → Read More: IPSec VPN between Linux and Windows 2012